Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Don't laugh too hard!

So this was taken a few days ago. Enjoy! I will be going to Chicago this weekend with my friend Desi, for one of the last times I will be traveling without babe in arms. It will never be easier to travel that is for sure.

Have a great weekend!


Desi said...

What's to laugh about? You're nuts. You look great! And I can't wait for our trip. We both need to promise to pull over if the driver is laughing too hard to see. You know, since we have the third passenger and all now.

Mama Heidi said...

You look amazing. Have a wonderful trip.

Misty said...

Why isn't you shirt up??? Show some skin!

Heather L. George said...

Beautiful, love it, and cannot wait to see you in person tomorrow!

Angela said...

Check you out, Heidi! You're so beautiful!

I get to hear little updates here and there, but I'm glad you have a blog going.
