Dru turned 2 months old this week. I can't believe it! Part of me feels she's always been in my life and another part of me wonders where the time has gone. As you can see in the photo she has now found her fist as the most amazing thing. She stares at it and follows it as if she is waiting for it to do something spectacular. That usually happens when she hits herself in the face with it.
Our friend, Jamie, who is the donor who allowed us to be blessed with Dru visited this month. He thinks she is adorable and was excited to meet her. I will be putting pictures of him with Dru as well as baby pics of the 4 of us in a few weeks for those who are curious...
Today was her 2 month doctor visit. I knew it would be tough. I cried when the nurse said, "She'll be getting 3 shots today." I got myself together before the doctor came in and held it together while she actually got the shots. She got 2 in one thigh and 1 in the other. The fourth vaccine was a liquid given by mouth. I realize she won't remember this visit. The doctor said that even though she is looking at me while she is feeling the pain, she knows that it is the stranger in the room doing it. Even if that isn't exactly true, I'm going to hold on to that thought process.
I only have 2 full weeks left of maternity leave. I am not dreading it but it does seem like a dark cloud on the horizon. We have decided on the daycare center closest to our house. I really liked it, then when I took Julie to see it there were two things that confirmed my decision. In the infant room on the wall are wooden letters hanging by ribbon that spell out "Sweet Pea" and when touring through the older infant room a Josh Groban song was playing that was played during my uncle's funeral. I was dumbfounded and after we left asked if Julie heard what song was playing and she said yes. I definitely think they were signs that Dru is meant to go there.
If Julie's boss approves her schedule changes, Dru will only have to be in daycare 2 days a week. Please pray for us or keep your fingers crossed that he does.
Keep warm everyone!
Ok you did it again. I am in tears. I know it is hard to believe. The signs are definitely clear. She will be well taken care of. Congrats on making your first huge decision since Dru has been with you.
Always go with you gut.
Love you-
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