Little man
Yep, this is how she is for pics these days
Leo is 9 months and has been very busy "growing" teeth. He already had 3 teeth on the bottom and in the last two days his top 2 front teeth have broken through the gums. Ouch!! He's been a trooper, and a drooler :) He is rolling around pretty well now and while sitting can turn around in a circle to reach for items nearby. We've tried giving him little puff snacks but he is just not interested. He makes a face like we are giving him lemon juice.
We've been struggling with him wheezing so the doctor recommended we put him back on his reflux medicine, and thankfully that has worked! I am now trying to wean him off of his nebulizer treatments. It's been a tough winter with illness around here so I assumed it was a virus or infection, guess not.
He can now wave bye bye and can do a baby version of rolling his hands for the "roll it" part of pat-a-cake. Super cute!! He continues to laugh A LOT. His teachers call him Mr. Giggles. They even said one day he laughed the whole day. He was laughing so loud he scared some of the other babies. I hope he keeps his sense of humor.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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