5 months

6 months
Leo has grown so fast with all the chaos going on with, getting our house ready to sell, having it on the market, packing then moving! He has 2 teeth already, both on the bottom. He is also rolling over! He can consistently do it from his tummy to his back but not quite the other way. He is not sitting up by himself but is getting stronger everyday. He LOVES to laugh at his big sister (who also LOVES to make him laugh). Leo also is a talker. He is chatting to whoever will listen especially right after a bottle.
Dru is a concerned and caring big sister. While at the doctor for their well child visit, Dru had already had her shot and finger poke (without a tear) and was in the waiting room with Mama. Leo then had his 4 shots and was crying quite hard when Dru stopped what she was doing, with big eyes said, "Leo!" and came bursting back into the exam room to see what was wrong with him. She also is a great helper and will give Leo his pacifier if he drops it or is crying. Very sweet!
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