Happy hour!! Virgin Miami Vice...
On the flight to Mexico! Our world traveler!
Relaxing in her floatie, not gonna smile though
Mexico is fun!
Dru's first big adventure was our recent trip to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. She took her first airplane ride! She did very well even though she was teething and in a strange environment. I will be the first to say it was trying at times and I wouldn't recommend travelling with a toddler if you are 7 months pregnant. It was wonderful to be in the warmth, to wear sandals, to be in the pool and to not be at work.
We spent the week with my parents at our timeshare at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach. I spent Dru's naptime getting rest as well. I'm not sure everyone got much relaxing in having a 15 month old keeping us on our toes. She really enjoyed the pool as well as happy hour! Too bad she'll only remember it by what we tell her and through pictures.
The staff at the resort always were waving at her and saying "Hola, bebe!". It was really sweet.
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