Toe nails painted for trip to Mexico!

Visit to Mall of America with friends

Loving her lunch :)

A warm winter day...in the 30's
**Sorry for the delay, my computer is broken**
Time sure does fly by! At Dru's 15 month doctor visit she weighed in at 65% on the chart and 96% in height. Go figure. Four more shots...UGH! She has started "running" as much as a new walker can. That has made life fun for her pregnant mom :) We have finished swimming lessons and she did extremely well. The next session is on hold until I have more energy to take her. I am trying to have her hair grow but she will not keep any hair clips in for very long.
Mama Julie bought her a play kitchen. I wonder if she is secretly hoping Dru will cook more than I do :) I don't have the heart to tell her I had a play kitchen when I was little too.