Dru made her way up the stairs where on the landing was a picture frame leaning against the wall. She crawled over to it and with a smack she put her hand through the glass. It happened so fast I was in a panic to find out where she got cut. She cut her left pointer finger pretty deeply. We went to urgent care where they sent us to the Children's Hospital ER. Dru did well as long as we kept her hand still. She needed an x-ray to see if there were anymore glass pieces in the cut. Julie was able to be with her as she was strapped down, poor thing! She started crying really hard then couldn't calm down until a Child Life Specialist came to the rescue.
Finally the doctor came in to stitch the cut. Dru did amazingly well!! She cried a bit when the doc put the lidocaine on the wound but as soon as it was numb she just had a few tears. She now has 3 stitches. The doctors bandage fell off before we left the room, so I called the nurse back in and she put another one on. So far it has held up, we'll take it off tomorrow night. Here is a pic of her little hand with a big bandage.
ACK! That's awful. I'm glad she's okay and that you got out of the first ER trip (relatively) unscathed.
Oh no! Hope she recovers quickly!
I knew she was strong but holy cats!!! At least it is a pretty pink and purple bandage. LOL
Jason felt your pain yesterday while taking Reed to the doctor. The screaming and holding Reed down got to him a little bit.
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