Thursday, October 23, 2008

Guess What!?

Well, it's official! I am pregnant! I am 12 weeks and we were lucky that our request was answered, it's only one :) I am due May 6th. Please keep your fngers crossed and/or prayers flowing that this one is as happy and healthy as Dru and that the rest of the pregnancy goes well.


Ann said...

Congrats! Your two will be the same difference in age as ours - it's been interesting :)

Julie Burd said...

Congratulations Julie and Heidi. Just think -- you'll be on maternity leave May, June and July - what great timing :)

Unknown said...

Congrats, girls! Heidi, sorry I haven't called, I am a BAD BAD friend! I am so excited for you! Dru is such a cutie, glad you are all doing well!
We should get together sometime!!! I know, I'm not good at keeping in touch...I promise to be better!
Lisa, Jami and family :)