So I haven't done so well on posting. Good thing I didn't send out the link yet.
Julie and I went down to Texas at the end of June for my 20 week ultrasound. I know most have thought it was crazy but it made me feel confident in the results. The baby, currently called Sweet Pea, is healthy and normal according to the ultrasound and blood work I have had done so far.
We were able to visit with Amy, my cousin I lived with while in TX, and she helped us with her expertise in child development. We went to Babies R Us and made a list of what we should need. Julie was also able to meet some of the friends I made and the hospital where I worked.
I finally announced our good news at work and was pleased with the excitement and support I have received. I am relieved and grateful. I work with a great group of 15 women and 1 man (our supervisor).
I am now in my 23rd week. It sure seems like it's been an eternity since we got the positive pregnancy test. We are anxious and nervous about this next chapter.