Leo had a procedure to open his left tear duct that had been blocked since birth. If you look closely you can see the mark the doctor put under his eye to make sure they opened the correct one. The induction of anesthesia was very difficult for us. I held him as a mask was put over his nose and mouth and within 20 seconds he went limp in my arms and they took him away. We gave him a kiss and left the room. I was not at all prepared emotionally for that part of the procedure. He was away from us for about 30 minutes. He did great and upon waking the nurse said he just took his pacifier and just layed quietly looking around. Everyone was impressed at his good nature. He had to fast so he was grateful to have some juice and snacks shortly after we were allowed to see him. By the time we left the surgery center he was back to normal. We are so glad to have it over with and we pray it is successful so he doesn't have to go through that again.
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