Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter 2011

Today is Easter and here are some photos from this morning. It turned out to be a nice day with the sun shining and blue sky. But noon it was nearing 60 degrees. We went to 8:00am church and then headed to the Schultz's for a delicious brunch. The kids ran around crazy and opened some Easter gifts. We plan to get out to play at the park after the kids take their naps. Happy Easter to all!! We are very blessed!

Coloring Eggs

The final results

In the process... patience my child :)

Before we started

Dru did the coloring of the eggs this year. Leo was very crabby and was not interested in participating. Dru did a great job and really enjoyed switching the eggs from one cup to another. I think her favorite part was adding the stickers on them once they dried. Only 2 cracked in the process. I sure hope Julie is home to do this with us next year!

Backyard playtime

Fun in the cozy coupe (it's a cause of many arguments)

Dru waiting for Leo to come back with pinecones

Crazy Leo

Dru's big wheel, it will be awhile before Leo can reach the pedals.

Spring came and went in early April. It was warm for a few days then it snowed again. So this was the first chance we had to get outside and run off some energy. The kids are going to have much more fun together this summer. We look forward to being able to play outside a lot!!